Monday, November 16, 2009

The failure of the Democrats?

The news is all a buzz about how the Democrats have failed and their whole world is going to be turned upside down because of their political failures only to be replaced again by the Republican party. To some extent this is true and has already happened in 09 elections.

But lets be fair to the Democrats for a second; they don't really control crap.

  1. The party is full of displaced Republicans who have been pushed out of the tent by the fundamentalists (more on them below).
  2. Democrats have to deal with a pervasive religious influence in our "secular" government. A government that you have to swear with your hand on the bible, "One nation under god", "In God We Trust", you know...secular. For the record, if I ever have to do that crap I want a Jefferson Bible.
  3. America loves an underdog, and I think I know why. Two reasons: One, underdog voters. These are people who don't trust Democrats or Republicans so much that they vote for the 'underdog' in order to deadlock the system, thus preventing a majority on either side. This would be great if our country wasn't facing two wars, a failing economy, a health care crisis, nuclear states, equal/human rights violations...must I go on? Two, the religious love being underdogs themselves, they get to pretend that they are little oppressed martyrs, (it's not just for Islam!) then they play the social taboo card. This idea is supported by the current fervor among the "doctor killers" (pro-life indeed), birthers and tea parties (yes plural).
  4. There are so many "blue dog" democrats that there is a perception that the Republicans are underdogs. This creates a sense of descent among the ranks. Even though the Democrats are just greedy bastards who think people who are willing to trade teams on the fly are people you want in your camp. Try dating someone who leaves their significant other for you, you'll see what happens to them when they meet someone new.

So in reality they still don't have the votes to get anything done, and now it is all their fault.

This all seems to make sense when you consider they passed health care in the house by 2 votes WITH an abortion clause.

Is that really a Democratically controlled system? What about further funding of abstinence only education? Proven not only to be ineffectual, but counter productive and factually false. Abstinence only education has had much coverage over teaching kids that tear drops can spread AIDS...THIS is what we spend our money on?

I am sad for Obama, in such a scenario there is only so much the president can do. I know so many people wanted Obama to have a running but given all this stacked against him I wonder if anything can get done. Rome here we come?

One last point, I don't mind paying taxes. But, I absolutely hate my money being wasted on ineffectual crap. I want the right to say where my money can be spent, at least some of it to start and more over time. We should break down the major sections of the government by percentages in W-2's and let people decide where the money goes. I would switch the defense budget with the educational budget in a heart beat or less.

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